Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Collective Noun

A collective noun is the name of a number of persons, animals or things grouped together and spoken of as one whole.

Look at the following examples:

a troupe of dancer
a board of directors
a gang of thieves
a band of musicians

Here are more collective nouns for you.

• a company of actors
• a host of angels
• a gang of labourers
• a bevy of girls/ ladies/ beauties
• a bench of magistrates
• a tribe of natives
• a posse of policemen
• a crew of sailors
• a choir of singers
• a team of players
• a staff of teachers
• a circle of friends
• a band of magicians
• a haggle of vendors
• a monastery of monks
• a convent of nuns
• a shush of librarians
• an army of soldiers
• an audience of spectators
• an embassy of diplomats


The first one has been done for you.

1. a ___staff __ of teachers.

2. a __________ of sheep.

3. a __________ of students.

4. a __________ of people.

5. a __________ of executives.

6. a __________ of members.

7. a __________ of jurors.

8. a __________ of ships.

9. a __________ of flowers

10. an __________ of spectators.

11. a __________ of people.

12. a __________ of stamps

13. an _________ of musicians.

14. a __________ of players

15. a __________ of workers.

16. a __________ of sailors.

hari kedua persekolahan 2010

hari ni hari kedua persekolahan di Sek Men Agama Al- Falah...waktu pagi aku takde la busy sangat..memandangkan arini masih lagi kamu guru2 tak dapat jadual individu lagi maka kami terpaksa menggunakan jadual tahun lepas. hari ni aku cuma ada 1 subjek saje..subjek Pengajian Am (Kertas 2) 6 ATas...aiseh...mula aku poning...ye la, tahun ni aku da tak ngajo subjek tu..subjek tu da di serah pada yang lebih pakar : CT n Wana. kalo form 6, aku cuma di tugaskan ngajo MUET shj...

lalu aku menghayunkan langkahku ke meja Puan CT, bertanyakan pada beliau..apakah aku harus masuk kelas 6 atas atau tak. dia kata tak yah le k.lind. aku pun on je...hehehe..ye le, suma buku P.A aku dah serahkan kat dorang...lagipun tahun ni, aku dah tak jadi Ketua panitia P.A da...kekeke..susah woooo...ngajo P.A ni, ku rasa diriku seperti orang 'veteran' plak...hik3...(ni kenyataanku shj, takde kena mengena ngan yang idup @ pun mati)...

so, hari ni aku cuma p photostat analisa exam pmr 2009. masa aku sdg menunggu ngan pnuh tawadduknya pengetua sain kertas analisa tu, aku dapat surat 'chenta' dari PK 1. aiseh...ada meeting lak arini...meeting utk AJk Kurikulum..kul 1..spjg nunggu meeting, aku bertungkus lumus kemas mejaku yang penuh ngan buku n kerts2..penuh bertaburan atas meja...ku tak peduli pe org kata, yang penting aku nak kemas gak meja aku tu!...ada beberapa org rkn skeje ku memandang ke arah meja ku ngan pandangan bermakna..tapi tu suma tak memberi efek kat aku pun...kekeke...aku eat MC Dono je...kekeke...

duk kemas meja, tekak aku da terasa kering kontang,,ye le, aku wat keje tanpa kesejukan dari sang kipas...panas aku...berpeluh2 la jugak...tahan n sabo je la...pastu wana ajak aku p minum kat kantin, aku on je..terus aku ajak ziah skali..lepas siap mlantak kopok leko n air nescaffe o ais, aku blah masuk balik blk guru...sambung balik kemas meja...bunyi jam Casio aku tut..tut...dah menandakan masuknya pukul 1...kekeke..aku pun bergegas p bilik meeting..

kat bilik meeting, dah ada da beberapa org cekgu dalam bilik tu..aku pun masuk n tunggu mesyuarat bermula..wana duk seblh aku..meeting berjalan lancor ikut agenda..tiba time aku kena present analisa...aku ngan muka poyo nye, amik microfon dari PK1 dan bermulala presentationku...masa aku duk tengah present tu, tiba2 datang idea gile dalam kepala aku...ceh! time tu plak datang nye..tapi aku kontrolkan diriku..."lind...sabo...jangan wat keje gile!" kata aku dalam hati...nak tau pe idea tu? aku tiba2 rasa suara aku cam sdap je bila berkumandang dalm bilik meeting tu...aku rasa nak nyanyi...cam wat konsert plak...kekeke...maklumla da lame aku tak nyanyi...dari kecik aku wakil skolah dalam nasyid sampai form 2...lepas tu aku fokus study..solo nasyid katakan..dapat mic rasa nak nyanyi wei...nanti la, kalo aku duk sorang2 dalam bilik tu, aku nak nyanyi gak..kekeke..ok tak idea ni? muahahahaha..

meeting ni start kul 1 sampai kul 3.30 ptg...dah naek kematu punggung aku duk dalam bilik meeting ni...bosan nye...bile la nak abih, rungutku dalam hati...mujo la cik abang tercinta ada menemani...aku duk msg ngan dia..takde la bosan sangat aku dalam tu...kekeke...mujo dia sentiasa ada menemani aku setiap waktu...kalo idok...mula idup aku rasa kosong...tak msg@tak dnegar sore dia dalm sehari, tak duk diam aku di watnya..penangan cinta..gini le gamoknya...kekeke...

tepat kul 3.30, meeting abis..aku n rakan2 yang lain2 cepat balik ke destinasi..aku da r tak solat lagi..lepas solat, aku makan mee goreng yang zue beli...nak kate sedap cam kat hotel, penipu la kan? tapi aku tak kesah, makan aje...hehehe..pastu aku online coz nak chat ngan si dia...tu je la kisah idupku untuk hari ni...sok tak tau lagi pe yang akan jadi...apa yang pasti, esok tetap akan datang....

Monday, January 4, 2010

Jamuan Perpisahan Tingkatan 2 Ibnu Battutah (2009)

Kat sini aku nak buh le beberapa keping gambar masa 2 B wat jamuan perpisahan. mula2 aku duk pk gak leh ke budak2 Form 2 ni wat keje..coz riso gak budak2 ni kan kecik lagi..tapi memandangkan dorang pun tau mami dorang ni serba busy kalohkan perdana menteri.maka dengan inisiatif dorang 1 kelas, maka berlangsung juga jamuan perpisahan akhir tahun. di tambah lagi, tahun depan aku dah tak jadi cekgu kelas dorang lagi (sedih gak...huhuhu) ye le, dah pegang 2 tahun dah kelas ni, dah kenal sorang perangai dorang ni...ada yang ganaz tapi cover ngan macho nye..ada yang cakap banyak...pot,pet,pot,pet...tak renti2...ada yang baek je...alim gitu (konon...hehe) ada yang senyap, bersopan penuh ayu...ada yang terus tak bunyi langsung! sape lagi kalo bukan anakku si Faridzuan...hehehe...susah beno nak dengar dia gelak, walau seco'et bunyi gelak...hahaha...takde...kalo ada, da lame aku wat kenduri kesyukuran...kekeke...tapi budak ni bagus...tiap kali aku masuk kelas, konfirm ada je budak yang kena sakat ngan aku...suka sangat tengok dorang epi...release tension kite sekejap...betul tak?..

tapi kalo time dorang bising...perghhhhhhh....leh wat aku kena darah tinggi plak...biasak le nakal budak2 sekolah...jadi cekgu ni kena banyak bersabar ngan karenah budak2...pelajar skolah menengah ni tak same cam plajar skolah rendah...pendekatan memang tak same...yang same cuma guna ilmu psikologi n pedagogi...

berbalik semula ke cite jamuan ni, jamuan kitorg wat 12/11/2009(Rabu)kul 3.30 - 5.00 petang. sehari seblum tu, aku dah ngangkut budak2 pompuan 2 org n 1 lelaki (sape lagi kalo bukan monitor kelas 2 b: zaki) ke P. Buntar. p beli barang2 cenderamata untuk students n cekgu yang ngajo dorang.. yang selebihnya pi kemas n bersihkan kelas...bile aku balik skolah, p la tengok budak2 ni wat keje, anak teruna sume ghaib..yang ada anak dara ku shj...geleng kepala aku di watnye..masa tu dah kul 6 ptg..aku kena cepat balik, kang kena tembak ngan M16 oleh si dia tercinta...mati aku...kekeke...dia cepat riso kalo aku kuar je dari umah...cayang katakan...kekeke...

jamuan berjalan ngan lancar..siap budak2 ni jemput Tn. Hj. Rahman n Ridzuan Sarip Dol skali...dorang kan last ngajo kat skolah ni..cekgu2 yang datang cume geng2 terdekat ku shj...tapi tak kisah, bagi aku yang penting budak2 ni gembira n enjoy masa tu...dorang epi sangat especially bila tak perlu pakai baju skolah masa jamuan tu...paham2 je la...kita dulu pun cam tu gak..kekeke...yang paling aku epi, bila budak2 ni wat surprise birthday party untuk aku...rase nak nangis..(aku memang takleh kalo bab2 camni, cepat sensitip sket..) tapi aku cover...mata dah nak berair, kontrol je masa tu...aku epi sangat...susah pyh dorang wat benda ni...thanks a lot, i never forget this moment...

di pendekkan citer, aku buh je gambor kat cni...bio gambo plak becakap..aku dah penat taip..lagipun aku nak siapkan analisa keputusan pmr 2009. tinggal sket lagi...yeaaahhhhhaaa...

thankx for my beloved children, epi when i become ur mom...mummy sentiasakan doakan kejayaan kamu suma dalam pelajaran...n yang penting skali, berjaya dalam idup sebagai seorang mukmin yang sejati...

May Allah bless all of you.... (LUMTICS)

Love U More Than I Can Say...

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Speaking tips for MUET

SPEAKING TEST TIPS (from the ex-candidates)

It is stated in the format that each group is given 30 minutes to discuss on the question.

Let's say, I am given the second factor (Candidate B).

So, these are my questions.

1) In the first round of the discussion, is it compulsory to restate my own stand (second factor) eventhough I am repeating the same points that was mentioned in Task A without comparing with the pros and cons of other factors?

2) Throughout the discussion, should I give reasons to ALL three factors which I disagreed to strenghthen my point/stand?

2) What is the best way or line to start with in order to oppose other candidate's opinions? eg. Excuse me Candidate A, I disagree .......

3) Could anyone suggests me any tips or strategy to excel in this task? Answers, according to what I've learned from my teachers:

1. Not at all. You can start as if you have not heard or said anything in the Task A (Individual Presentation). However, it's nice to say stuff like "As candidate A said just now..." to show that you've been listening to others.

2. Not necessary at all. I usually support one point because a "build-up" is much more interesting for a discussion.

3. I hardly use "I disagree", I usually use things like, "You may have a point there, but..." or "That's true, however...". Keeps the person from returning with an attack (riposte~!), and proves you facilitate civil and orderly discussion.

4. If you have the ability to think fast and logically, try and search for a point in Task B that can "absorb" all the other's points. I usually do this so that I can use all their points and provide much of my own. I do this even if it means throwing my Task A away.

However, having done years of public speaking, I am quite comfortable with that. You may want to go with your Task A points because they are already in your head (or paper).

Remember, the aim of language is to COMMUNICATE. COMMUNICATION means that you keep a good, nice discussion (no all-out attacks!) and be pleasant, and no complex or formal English is needed.

You cannot base your actions upon fallacious ideas. If you do, where's the logic in that?

Anyway, more pointers for Speaking component.

1. Task 1 is to be presented to the examiner - so greet the examiner, maintain eye contact with him. dont just read from ur notes
2. Task 2
- One person starts the discussion by greeting the examiner n fellow candidates
- proceed to state own opinion (not neccesary to stick to ur choice in Task 1) - give one point only (not ALL, otherwise u will have nothing to contribute later)
- then either ask for opinion or let someone continue

U r discouraged from waiting to be prompted by others for ur opinion. This is a speaking test - a test of ur ability to speak. No contents = no marks

Of coz, even if u have flawless english but weak contents, u will be penalised.

3. Effective body language is very important here. Maintain eye contact with all candidates. Nod or smile in approval. Dont rock ur chair. Dont play with ur pencil or ur hair. Dont just stare at ur notes or write all the time.

4. Use a variety of language structures. If Candidate A has used 'in my opinion, u can use ' i think', 'i feel' etc. To disagree, u can say 'i'm sorry i beg to differ', i'm sorry i have to disagree with Candidate ?. If u see that a particular candidate is dominating the discussion, u can say 'i;m sorry, may i interrupt for a moment?' or 'may i say something here?'.

Dont ARGUE, dont use rude words like 'WHy CANNOT?' or 'NOOOO, i dont think so.'

5. At the end of the 10 mins, u r to come to a consensus. Only ONE choice. Worst comes to worst, combine 2 very relevent ones. If u have ur own fixed group members, this is easier to achieve coz u must have had a lot of practices in order to come to a natural conclusion. Do not at the last minute, just simply say 'ok, i agree.' Very fake...

6. FInally, another person ends the discussion. Eg: Based on our discussion, we have come to a conclusion that...or Thank you for a fruitful discussion. I can safely conclude that...DO this only if everyone in the group has agreed with only one answer.

By huey80

Writing tips for MUET

Writing tips

1. Before writing an essay, you must know its basic structure. A MUET reference book might show you this.

2. Do task 2 first, because it is worth more mark and easier

3. Don’t waste too much time on Task 1. Learn all specific writing structure for each type of task 1. In the real test, you just have to apply that structure with new data and suitable verb tenses. Read sample essays and take note good structure to have a wide range of academic structures for task 1. Some structure might be used in task 2 as well.

4. You must complete both tasks. I don’t care how difficult the test is, I don’t care how little time you got. You MUST complete your test at any cost. If you don’t, you will be penalized very heavily.

5. Again, practice writing. Do both 2 tasks in one hour. You can focus only on task 1 or task 2, but before the test, you should practice writing both tasks to familiar with time limit.

6. Practice makes perfect. In writing, this statement is completely true. But it is better if there is someone to check writing for you and you can learn from your mistakes.

7. Writing requires wide academic vocabulary. You also have to buy a vocabulary book to work on and enrich your vocabulary.

8. Avoid all informal ways of writing. There are some rules of writing you should follow. For example: no abbreviations, no 1st and 2nd pronoun or possessive (I, you, me, my, your), except in conclusion where you have to state your opinion.

9. Each body paragraph has to include: topic sentence, supporting sentences (2-3 sentences), development sentences (evidence: example, experience, data). In many languages (English included), there are many ways to develop a body paragraph, which results that topic sentence is not the first sentence. But you are advised to put topic sentence at the beginning of each body paragraph. Don't be creative in this case.

That is all I can think of. I hope you will be lucky in your exam and what I wrote will help you in one way or another. But REMEMBER, to reach success, you MUST make an effort. You should have a clear motivation and a strong will to overcome difficulties. When I did practice tests, I was exhausted. But no success comes easily. Practice is the only way to gain success. Don’t just wait for lucky break, it will never come if you don’t know how to grab it.

And the final point I want to mention is:

Relax before the test!

Attempting to do one or two practice test before the real test won’t help you increase your score. In return, it will make you feel stressed and unconfident.

How can I improve my essays??

Writing is marked upon Task Fulfilment (30marks) & Language (30marks).

So in order to have points to write, u need to be well read. At least, u shud read the newspapers daily. Extra credit will be given to international examples.

Then, employ a correct essay outline which basically looks like this :

Introduction - General statements / The hook - to grab readers' attention (various ways to write an attention-getter)
Thesis statement (your reply to the Q - main idea of the whole essay)

A typical ugly SPM way of writing intros will be like 'I agree with the statement ....bla bla bla' as the 1st sentence already.

Body Paragraph - Topic sentence (main idea for that particular paragraph)
Supporting details (explanation, elaboration, examples, studies/researches)

For 350 words, 4 body paragraphs shud suffice.

COnclusion - common method is restating ur thesis
suggestions/recommendations/predictions (can pose questions too)

If u follow this format correctly plus reasonably relevent/accurate points, u shud not be below Band 3. If u have reasonably good command of the language, u can go up to Band 4 or 5.

MUET result for lower six (2009)

Student’s Name





















Nur Alina Aina



































Mark by : Miss Azlinda binti Hj. Mustapha

* Any question regarding your mark, you can contact me through SMS/CALL/leave a comment. TQ